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They are real news. They are what we used to call journalists. They are not asserting their opinions. They are telling you what it is and letting you make your own decisions.
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The Epoch Times is an independent nonprofit, unaffiliated with major media corporations, founded to offer uncensored news.
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Censorship Challenges
It persists in delivering news despite national-level suppression from the Chinese Communist Party, maintaining integrity and unbiased reporting.
Rated 'Center' by the Allsides Blind Bias Survey in 2020, the outlet is evaluated on content alone.

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Founded in an Atlanta basement at the turn of the 21st century, The Epoch Times has grown amidst constant challenges from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) due to our reporting on its human rights abuses. In November 2019, our Hong Kong printing press was targeted in a premeditated attack where masked assailants set fire to the facility. They used flammable liquids to ignite our printing equipment, causing extensive damage and disrupting our operations.
In a separate incident in April 2021, intruders armed with sledgehammers violently smashed essential components of our printing machinery, further illustrating the lengths to which our adversaries will go to silence independent journalism. Despite these and other relentless attacks, we have remained steadfast, continuing our mission to deliver truthful and uncompromised journalism to our readers worldwide.
We Started in a

We hope to earn the trust of the American people through honest reporting grounded in ethical journalism. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, we have never lost hope in our mission to report the facts.
The outpouring of support from millions of readers and friends has given us the strength to carry on. Our readers often share about going out of their way to introduce The Epoch Times to their friends and family. We see the hope of America and the world's future in these kind souls.
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Our Story
Two decades ago, we, the founders of The Epoch Times, left communist China for the US, seeking freedom of speech and the American Dream. We established an independent media company to report truth without influence.
We hope to earn the trust of the American people through honest reporting grounded in ethical journalism. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, we have never lost hope in our mission to report the facts.
The outpouring of support from millions of readers and friends has given us the strength to carry on. Our readers often share about going out of their way to introduce The Epoch Times to their friends and family. We see the hope of America and the world's future in these kind souls.

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